Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Monet, Monet, Monet - its a rich man's world...

As the winter drags on and the coins freeze together in people's pockets, Ryepress is having to make some radical financial decisions! High street shops are having a pretty tough time of it and, galleries, being bottom of the food chain get the spiky end of the stick. Sitting huddled over the halogen heater in the studio it has been like a Kamikazi pilot's reunion supper - very few turn up!
So, not to be left behind in the dust and chip wrappers by John Lewis and all those big chains who enjoyed bumper christmas profits flogging sparkly touchscreen gizmos I have laid my paints, pencils and prints aside for a while and have been instead punching the pad and pushing pixels. The Ryepress website has been given a thorough going over and I have been exploring new ways to eke a living out of the ether. 

An interesting article on affiliate marketing from the Guardian caught my attention and I have joined several programmes namely Amazon Associates and Affiliate Window and have been experimenting with adding links etc to my various sites. The idea is you incorporate ads or links from your site to stuff they do or sell and if anyone buys anything you get a commission.

It may not make me rich quick but it might make me poor slow!

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